New Bikes

Vincent was such a sport.  He rode a too-small, florescent pink bike all summer.  He knew he was waiting for the big moment in Beijing when he would get his New Bike.  We went the second day here to the Giant store near by.  He went with a racer blue bike and Gigi got a pink one with tassels on the handle bars.

By the second day on the bike, Vincent was quite comfortable.  As I was sitting on our little porch, Vincent went whizzing by shouting, “Watch Mommy!”

He was going so fast, the photographer couldn't catch a shot of him.
He was going so fast, the photographer couldn’t catch a shot of him.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to witness his upcoming move because of the tree in the way, but I was able to hear it.  All of a sudden there was a double ka-boom, ka-boom-boom-boom!  Then with about 2 seconds to follow the crash, we heard the very loud scream to follow.  Both Kevin and I went racing to find Vincent tangled on top of a manhole with bits of his face scattered about.  He had a doozie of a fall!

We took him in and tried to get him cleaned up.  His face wasn’t all that got the brunt of his wheelie attempt over the manhole.  His right middle finger was also quite mucked up.  After the initial scare of his fall, Vincent still wouldn’t settle down.  Every ten seconds or so he’d yell out in agony.  It was at this time that we considered a visit to the hospital.  But as all parents know, with the mention of the “h” word, he was all of a sudden able to bend his finger.  Luckily we didn’t have to take him in, and hopefully, just hopefully, Vincent was able to gain some caution when it comes to the wheelie attempts.

The next day, he was out at it again back on the saddle!  (You can see the marks on his face--it's not dirt.)
The next day, he was out at it again back in the saddle! (You can see the marks on his face–it’s not dirt.)
Here's Gigi on her little pink number sans training wheels!
Here’s Gigi on her little pink number sans training wheels!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

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