My Puffer Collection

Last week I posed the question, beach or mountains? While I am decidedly more of a beach person, it so happens that I now live in the mountains–very high up actually at 10,000 feet. Let’s just admit that the climate I live at is very, very cold. Also, the library I work in is doubly cold. Hence, my puffer collection has grown and is still being used in late April! Here are just six of the puffer coats I rotate through (there are more in my wardrobe in basic colors like black and cream). Often in my office I can find a variety of hats, gloves, and various puffer coats. Needless to say, I am always very cold here in Quito!

Gigi gave me this adorable cheetah coat for Christmas, 2021.

I’ve had this cheetah puffer since before Covid 19 hit. Look at this post back in Hong Kong when the pandamic had just started. This cheetah winner is a puffer from TargĂ© circa December 2019!
pufferI found this tweed-esque puffer at a local Ecuadorian store called Sie7e (seven in Spanish).

I found this mountain scene puffer at the Spokane Valley Forever 21.(It’s still available online for $30!)

I feel so lucky that Quito has my favorite store: Forever 51 21. This plaid one and the cobalt blue striped one below are both finds from my local Forever 21 Ecuador.


These pictures were taken about an hour from Quito in the mountains around the thermal springs of Papallacta (Termas de Papallacta). I literally threw all six puffer coats into the back of our truck for a weekend away. It’s always fun to drive around in our truck–a four wheel Toyota Prado. We ventured upon a mountain road and probably stopped three times. I posed this way then that with the six puffer coats catching all the mountains in the area. While yes, I am a beach person, I am thoroughly enjoying the experiences that mountains give–especially when glorious hot springs are included!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!