My Mom’s Cowboy Boots!

It’s kind of a long story. Basically, for the 4th I asked my mom if I could borrow her cowboy boots. She brought out these, and I was shocked they were a new, studded style. I was wondering where her original old pair were….that’s when she told me she gave them to me. I was like, Mom, you didn’t give them to me; I don’t have them. It then became this huge question as to where they were and who had them. Well….when we moved from Beijing to Hong Kong, we had to put a bunch of our stuff in storage. Just this last week, we finally got around to emptying it. What do you know!? Sitting right out, front and center was a storage bin filled with sweaters and winter clothing that I had planned to give to me sister. Through the box I could see something brown. I tore open that box, and pre sto! There were the boots! Oh, I was so thankful!! I really don’t know how they got there, but I am sure happy they did. Thanks for the boots Mom. I love them!




Some Outfit Details
Wrap Dress–BCNU
Cowboy Boots–Mom’s hand-me-downs
Flowers–from my lake neighbor
Earrings–silver hoops from anĀ India market
Necklaces–collected charms, Karma from Dogeared, and an evil eye

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!