
I have the unique honor of being called, “Mommy.” Of course it must have been Vincent who named me as he came first, and the little sister Gigi (who he also named) followed along. I love being called “Mommy.”  Even to this day by my 22 and 20 year old kids they call me “Mommy.”

I can remember when my own mother critically said, “Are you going to let him still call you “Mommy?” I didn’t even think it was an issue, but then I realized that maybe it’s only what little kids should call their mother. However, I loved what they called me, so never thought twice. Of course I disputed to my own mother saying, “That’s just what they call me.” I wasn’t about to ask my kids to change my name based on what others called their mom. If they hadn’t wanted to call me “Mom,” they would have by then.

Since then, as an adult, I’ve asked Vincent if he was teased by this name he’d given me. He said he was a bit in middle and high school, but again, it’s just what he called me, so he didn’t pay much attention. I don’t think Gigi has been teased; I still need to ask her. Gigi on the other hand does know how to get my goat: if she wants to irritate me, she’ll call me, “Ann.” I actually don’t like that name all that much; I much prefer when people use the name “Annie.” I can save that story for another post. In retaliation to Gigi’s “Ann,” I simply call her by her real name, Maria. Similarly she much prefers to go by the name Vincent gave her: GIGI.

I guess Vincent was our namer in the family: I’m Mommy, Gig is Gigi, and Kevin is Papa. That’s what we’ve been for 22 years. No since in changing our names now. I’d say thanks to Vincent we are all pretty happy with our given names!

These pictures were taken on Mother’s Day in a little area in the Historical Center of Quito called, La Ronda. Around my neck you can see my new “Mommy” name plate given to me by all three on Mother’s Day, 2024.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!