Merry Christmas (from last year!)

Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas with pictures that were meant to be sent out last year… I had the best intentions of sending out a New Year card then a Chinese New Year Card, then maybe just a card, and well, there never was a card! These are a few of the family pictures we took during our trip to India last Christmas. Oh, it was such a fabulous trip! We started in Bombay meeting up with old friends which was so special. Then the magic started happening once we got to Rajasthan. These first two pics were taken on Christmas Eve in Udaipur.

A trip to Rajasthan wouldn’t be complete without a little safari action. We actually saw a snow leopard on this excursion. It was wicked cool! The animal just sat perched up there on his rock, chillin’. It was quite a sight. And typical of an India excursion, we stopped for chai and biscuits.

Another magical moment to be had in Rajasthan is staying in an old havelli. This havelli was ancient–very rustic too, but it was a very cool experience.

Finally, our trip was completed in Jodhpur’s Red Fort where we zip lined across the canyons. It was a phenomenal experience, one that won’t be forgotten!

Our family is very blessed. Kevin and I have somehow created this life full of travel. It’s exciting and fun, and we all have a really good time together. Now, today we start our three week vacation for winter break. We’ll be spending our time in Thailand–with my sister and her family!! We can hardly wait! It’s going to be so fun to share our special Thai times with our family members!

Merry Merry Christmas from the Krembs!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

8 thoughts on “Merry Christmas (from last year!)

    1. Dearest Cindy,

      I’ve been quite sporadic on all fronts—both Here and Instagram. But, to tell you the truth it feels rather liberating. I wish there was a piece of tape to cover up the amount of likes and number of followers. For this new year, another goal I have is to focus on the relationship—not the number!

      Thank you Cindy for being one of the virtual friends I have made!

      Love, Annie

  1. You have a completely beautiful family Annie!!! These pictures are so wonderful and it would have been literally impossible to choose just one for a card. I love seeing you enjoying this trip and I’m thinking you’ve provided your kids with incredible experiences that have built values for love, acceptance and appreciation for culture and earthly beauty!!
    Merry Christmas! I can’t wait to see your pictures from Thailand!

    1. Hi Jude! My children, bless them, are becoming travel spoiled for sure!! Last year’s trip to India was definitely Mommy’s trip. They didn’t enjoy it as much as me. See? Spoiled!!

      Having met up with their cousins this Christmas I think they have had an absolute blast! They are very lucky indeed. Me too!

      A x

  2. Gorgeous family, gorgeous Ann with an even more beautiful soul. Happy holidays, my friend, and have fun in Thailand. Your children are blessed to be a part of such adventures.

    1. Oh Dottie! It’s been amazing!!

      My sister just left yesterday, and we had such a blast! I miss her too much already but the memories are here.

      All the best to you and yours in 2018!

      Love, Ann

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