Making Dreams Come True

Kremb de la Kremb Tee
Well I did it! I designed five dresses, according to a theme, and showed them in a fashion show! And it was fantastic!! I made the drawings for each dress, I chose the fabrics, and I styled the dresses on the models. I admit to not sewing the garments–maybe next year! But I did it. Oh, it was such fun. (Once the students have photos ready from the event, I will publish another post covering my designs.)

I cannot remember the exact moment, but I can remember this period of time when I became aware of fashion–as in Vogue fashion. I believe I was 13 or 14. I know it was around my freshman year in high school. I don’t know how I came across owning a Vogue. I wish I could recall all the details, but I remember being enthralled, absolutely mesmerised by this magazine. I know my mom didn’t buy it; she didn’t purchase or even read fashion mags. I could have checked it out at the library as I frequented our local public branch often. The magazine could have been a hand-me-down. I am not sure, but that first Vogue…well it was not the last!

I was drawing a lot during this stage in my life, and I would just look at a model and draw her. Then, I’d try again. I really loved drawing and just drew and drew. I don’t know why I ever stopped. At the time, drawing and design, fashion and the industry, they were just dreams. It wasn’t ever anything that I believed I could actually consider. I wonder why. Why not!? This was the late 80s, so it was a very practical time. I was the oldest of five; there were expectations to be met. I don’t mention any of this with any regret. My path has been incredible…but of course I do wonder, What if? What if I actually just went for it….?

That’s what NOW is for! Now I am successful in my job, in my career as an international educator. Now I can take risks with the safety of knowing I have my day job. I love my day job–being a librarian with high school students–it’s awesome! Just now, when these opportunities are ahead of me, I am grasping at them. I am taking them! I can and I will. And in the meantime I’m going to have a little fun while I embrace these second chances to make dreams come true.

Skirt Twirling



Kremb de la Kremb Tee Side

Some Outfit Details

This is the outfit that I wore to the fashion show. Each designer comes out immediately after his or her line has been shown and takes their designer bow. I was so worried for this during the rehearsal. I was a bundle of nerves. But then, during the actual event, I was just so proud and exuberant, I just remember feeling all smiles. I designed the tee and skirt to compliment my line but in no way mimmic it.

Earrings: Forever 21 clearance baubles

Lipstick: I wanted really long lasting bold and dark red lip, so I blended NARS lip pencil in Dragon Girl with Bourjois Rouge Velvet in Hot Pepper.

Shirt: I used to make my shirt. Go Kremb de la Kremb!! (Any orders!?)

Skirt: I designed this skirt. I had been heavily influenced by the skirts I saw all winter by Alice and Olivia. I wanted something in the same color scheme as my line, BUT I wanted it to look totally different at the same time. This black and white stripe fabric perfectly complimented the black velvet with off-white satin of my line. The sash on each dress was floral and flowy, so I wanted the linear look of stripes.

Shoes: I went with my black Converse–I knew I was going to have to walk out there on the stage and bow, and I did NOT want to trip! Wasn’t gonna happen in tennies!

Silver Anklets and Evil Eye Necklace: I needed a little auspiciousness with me! 😀

*This post has been linked up to Brilliant Blog Posts.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

6 thoughts on “Making Dreams Come True

    1. Thank you Suzanne! Wait till you see the actual designs for the show! This was just what I wore; I tried to compliment my line. I hope you visit again next week to see the dresses and jumpsuits on the models.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


    1. Thank you Sheela! I can’t wait to post the actual pics of the designs….still waiting on the students. I’ll let you know when they’re live. A x

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