Makeup Memories and VDL

VDL6.jpgI woke up the other morning in a dreamy makeup memory. It was so wonderful. It was that time in the morning between the wakeup and going back to sleep when I half dream, half think. Anyway, I was having thoughts of being a little girl and wanting to play in my mom’s makeup which was a big no-no. Every now and then, she’d let me which was such a delight. Then, as I grew older, now called the tween years, she would sometimes make my cheeks a bit rosier with blush. Oh, I loved Christmas and Easter just for the pink cheeks I’d get to wear. Finally when I turned thirteen and did become a teenager, I was allowed to wear mascara! By freshmen year, a blue eyeliner pencil was included, and I can even remember my favorite shade of Wet ‘n Wild lipstick: 513, it was a pinky coral color. Or was it 523? At any rate, it had a clear top with a black base with the white cursive lettering of “Wet n Wild” running up the side. This dream I woke up to reminded me I’ve always loved makeup! Somethings never change….

You can imagine my excitement when shortly after this dream I was contacted by Loic at VDL Cosmetics. He invited me to a breakfast where I’d be able to sample a plethora of makeup! VDL is a Korean makeup line that prides itself in super pigmented makeup. This I like! The lipsticks were so creamy and bright, and the eye shadows seriously made a rainbow of color. I thank my new friend Ana for recommending my invite. Not only did I get to sample awesome, pigment filled makeup, but Ana, who is a makeup artist, taught me how to wear both a cat eye plus a new trend cropping up on Asian models: a red lid! (You read that correctly, lid–not lip!) During this colorful morning I also got to hang out with Marion of Marion Tessier Photography–she got the pic of me trying out the bright red lid. I was surprised by how much I liked it and plan to sport it again soon.




VDL Cosmetics will be in Hong Kong! If you would like to get in on this new product that’s just arriving to Hong Kong, come to Harbour City, Kiosk #9A this Saturday from 5:00-7:00 pm!


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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!