
This was the most time I have spent with my niece Maeve, and I learned so many wonderful things about her. Let me expound…

Maeve makes people smile. She makes them giggle. She lights up a room with her smile. She’s funny and sincere: what you see is what you get.

Maeve is really smart. And she’s very attentive–even it if doesn’t always show. Sometimes I wouldn’t know if she heard me or was listening. Then later, she’d mentioned things or refer back to conversations we had, and I then knew she’d been totally listening.

She’s super chill–or at least she comes across that way. But I found out Maeve’s actually a super deep thinker. One would never know she worries, but she does. She just has a really good way of keeping a very calm presence.

Maeve is really fun. She’s up for anything. She doesn’t complain. Maeve is eager to try new things and adventure her way through life.

Finally, Maeve is a really beautiful young woman, inside and out. I feel so blessed that I got to know my niece. We have a bond now that I know will last my lifetime. I’m so proud to be her Auntie Annie!

Here’s to #maemaeinhk!

I miss you so much already Maeve, and I can’t wait for the second I get to spend more time with you. I love you Maevy Baby!!

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Kremb de la Kremb

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