

Chandelier Earrings | Gold Cuff | Stacked Rings | Turquoise Earrings |
Turquoise Cuffs | Indian Earrings

Recently, I was contacted by the most beautiful online jewellery destination: Lustre. I was so thrilled when they reached out to me, and even more pleasantly surprised when I got to meet the founder and owner of Lustre, Anaita. Anaita, although she’s an expat just like me, is originally from Bombay, India. She now lives in Singapore but also lived in Hong Kong for over a dozen years. When we started playing the name game and found that we had mutual friends, the small world spark had been lit! Originally, Anaita had told me to pick out some of my favorite items–now when you go visit this site, you will find that near impossible! Everything is GORGEOUS! I only just showed six of the many items I was impressed by. I was thrilled when she gifted me a beautiful pair of amethyst earrings and two titanium black cuffs (to be worn Wonder Woman style of course!). My birthday is this month, so I don’t plan on taking these purple baubles off. What do you like from this very affordable, very friendly, Singaporean based jewellery shop named Lustre?

Lustre 1

Lustre 2

Lustre 4

Lustre 6.5

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

9 thoughts on “Lustre

    1. Heehe! I love Wonder Woman. Do you? Just wondering if she was as popular for you in your youth as she was in mine. In fact, I saved my money up to buy my sister a pair of Wonder Woman Underoos (fancy underwear for kids). I didn’t have my own set, so I wore white panties and a white tank and was White Woman. Aww, the innocence of youth. Now I realize how politically incorrect playing White Woman was!!

      Just a little blast from the past. 😀 Annie

      1. Wonder Woman pants! Brilliant. Wonder woman was huge her too. All girls wanted to be her. She was most boy’s first crush. Dads watched the show with unusual interest!! I was always puzzled as to how her waist was so tiny…..that was the true “Wonder”! X

  1. My kind of statement cuffs, Annie!! Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. That schiller is to die for xoxo

  2. I especially like the bracelets, the cuffs… they are so unusual and pretty, You lucky so and so. I looked at them to buy but I get greedy. Want them all. And I am pennyless at the moment.

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