I Love Hong Kong: LKF

The signs on this red wall say, “No posting on this wall.”

For this round’s neighborhood of the I love Hong Kong series, I went with Lan Kwai Fong–also known to locals as LKF. This neighborhood has a split personality: by day it has shops like Cotton On and Sasa, there’s a Starbucks across the way from these two stores, and there are plenty of dining options (although sadly, Boomshack was closed, and it was the main reason we were in the area!). Then by night, this strip on a hill filled with bars, pubs, and clubs, becomes a packed block party. It can be quite fun, but as an educator, one never knows who they might run into, so there’s that. Plus, it’s a bit of a scene–one for the singles. However, I will say, a night out with the girls can end with some fun dancing in this neighborhood (and I’ve never ran into anyone!). Date night is also a possibility: start at a stellar roof top bar head to California tower and cruise up to the Cé la Vie; it’s magical up there amongst the other skyscrapers all perched on the hill. Then have an amazing dining option at Brickhouse, with its fusion of Asian and Mexican–they have the best watermelon salad in town. Don’t expect to make a reservation though; it’s one of those show-up-first get-on-the-list type of places–that have become very popular in Hong Kong. The best thing that I love about LKF is it’s always bustling whether it’s the middle of the day or the middle of the night!

Hey, hey, hey! Look who’s making an appearance! I love that he photobombed me in a bunch of pictures this time around!!

I finally figured out how to wear these touches of scarlet with my red beret and red belt bag. They’re just accents amongst the all black with touches of white. I think it finally worked to wear these two new accessories.

My photographer, Gigi, seriously gets the best shots: look at that lady looking at me as I’m looking extremely dorky. Love it! I had to share it!!

Um…. I wasn’t the only blogger in the neighborhood!

Where would you like to see next? Midlevels or Causeway Bay?!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

12 thoughts on “I Love Hong Kong: LKF

  1. Fabulous shots and outfit too. Loving the black, white and pop of red. x

  2. These “stylish woman on the street” shots are so cool!!! Even though you’re anticipating them, there’s an element of spontaneity and fun. You look so DARLING in your red beret!! What a perfect finishing touch for this cute black and white , star spangled tunic and leggings look.
    In that first shot I found myself thinking, ” Does she realize that Kevin is right behind her pulling a photo bomb?” HILARIOUS!
    When I was still teaching I had those same concerns about running into a parent or former student when I was enjoying Happy Hour with colleagues on a Friday after school. Good grief that “role modeling” could be burdensome!
    I’m smitten by these “out on the town” theme posts!!

    1. Actually in both photo bombs, I had no idea! I love that he may secretly be wanting to “make” the blog right?!

      It’s fun to take these pictures out and about. We venture out so often, so it makes for easy photo ops!

      I’ve gotten so much use out of these black trousers. I picked ’em up online from Targé. Wow! Cost per wear done and done. The only thing is I also bought them in a smaller size in anticipation, no hopes! of getting into that pair, but no movement in that direction!! Hahah!

      You should get these pants Jude. They are so good! (But they’re only available in stores. Here’s the link to check: http://rstyle.me/n/crk2a8k9ve.)

      Next out of town might be Admiralty….

      A x

  3. Really enjoyed this! And the dress over jeans look works so well doesn’t it, especially with an injection of vibrant red…

    1. Thanks so much Rozanne! These are actually black trousers I picked up at Targé. I wear them all the time and especially underneath my dresses. They make for the perfect “tights!”

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

      A x

  4. Fab..love the star-spangled dress and the backdrops. Show us around Causeway Bay next time (Midlevels doesn’t quite have the same ring to it 🙂
    Picking out a detail from your post here: what do they serve the watermelon with? I once walked about seven miles through the Nation’s Capital for a watermelon salad ( mentioned in a guidebook) only to find out it was ‘out of season’:) Grtz from wintry Antwerp, Barbara & Constantinos

    1. What do you know! I was just in Causeway Bay yesterday for a daughter day date. Out of all the neighborhoods, Causeway Bay is really my favorite. I love heading down there and just walking around. I will shoot in this neighborhood soon, but it’s hard because there’s so much to it. CWB does have a nice ring to it and it’s so squirly and fun. There are so many areas to it; I might have to break it up. My favorite part is probably Jardine’s Bazaar. (If you go fast you can see my Insta Story from yesterday at @krembdelakremb on Instagram you can see a bit of Causeway Bay;)

      A x

  5. I love that photo where you’re messing about! That woman’s face is an absolute picture. Brilliant! Love the hits of red in your outfit too, Annie.
    That place looks like madness. I’m much more of a calm, peaceful oasis kinda gal lol!
    Suzy xxx

    1. I know! Isn’t that capture funny!? And madness would be a pretty good word to sum up HK. It’s very intense and chaotic. There are a lot of people. A LOT! But, I love it. I get such a charge for going out and about in the city!!

      Love, Annie

  6. fabulous potos, and so much fun and genuine glamour!, I do love to see you showing your city, the neighbourhoods, the Real Life, and looking so fabulous and lively!
    Your beret and belt-bag are amazing pieces, and you look Gorgeous!
    (I really love your belt bags, you rock them!)

    1. Stay tuned for more Monica. I’ve decided to embrace all the culture I experience and share it more on Kremb de la Kremb. Up this week—Mon Kok, a real crowded and bustling area of Kowloon side. Just you wait to see allllllll the people!

      A x

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