Pretend at London Fashion Week

“Yes, uh huh… Ok, mm hmm. Of course!” That was Londong Fashion Week calling Kremb de la Kremb to come see Britain’s designers. Haha. Just kidding. But a girl can dream!

Actually, if one were wanting to go to London Fashion Week, the time is now. As I was searching for some of this week’s street style looks from the capital, I came across this article stating that London Fashion Week may be nearing its end.

“I will wear this exact outfit.” Do you remember I said that when I had to have some tie-dye goodness? I had this funky hoodie waiting for me this summer. As well as being beyond colorful, it is also quite cozy. I switched the outfit up a bit by adding my DIY outlined Adidas and rainbow socks. The outfit is close, but of course I had to add my spin to it.

While my Pretend Fashion Week look for New York was fancier than my daily outfits, this one is totally something I would wear. Lately I have to layer myself in sweatshirts at work because the air conditioning is so cold! Luckily right after school, the weather is so nice I’m able to go take a dip in the ocean and swim for exercise.

The next stop for fashion week is Milan…. hmmm, time to get my sartorial ideas in order! CIAO BELLA!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!