A Librarian Look–What I Really Wore To Work

So many times–like both Monday and Wednesday’s post, I style an outfit, take the pictures, edit them, and then post them here. These styled posts allow me to tell some stories or share some thoughts–like Monday’s post on parenting, or they allow me to try out a look–like Wednesday or create a styled story for me to share. I love the styling part of blogging. Yet, I’ve missed posting three times a week, and I’d like to share a bit of my actual reality. Hence, I’m going to introduce a librarian look from my week. I used to write Style Stories about from each day of the week, but honestly that is really hard to maintain. But, sharing and highlighting a librarian look once a week should be pretty feasible. I’m going to start with this librarian look from Wednesday: a book-y tee with a sequin skirt.

Recently, I woke up in the morning and had to confess to Kevin that I thought I might have ordered three t-shirts in the middle of the night. Yes, it was true. I did indeed click purchase on three tees–two of the book variety and another declaring, “I’m my own best friend.” Whatever, right? I don’t know what I was thinking–obviously I was not! I do love this one though: coffee, books, & rain–such a wonderful combination in my mind. I think one of two words should be added: bed or café!

So, sequins….Ya, I really do wear sequins to work. Sometimes a colleague will be like, “Wow!” My reply is always that I like to elevate a little bit of my daily life. I mean, sparkles are fun! (As I write, I’m wearing glittery sneakers.) Also, I pretty much wear sneakers every single day. But, I have a lot of fun clothes. It’s my goal to always see if I could just throw sequins together with a pair of skater shoes. Why not? Just cuz I can’t wear heals, shouldn’t limit me from wearing sequins. I love sequins! And since I’m wearing such casual shoes, I feel the tee is justified. Right?!

I figured lacy, little polka dot socks fit the bill here. Also, I am loving my new lunch bag–it’s plastic! And see through.

Here are my questions:

Do you wear sequins to work, or no way José? I’ll save sequins for the cocktail parties and fancy balls.

And shall I share a librarian look once a week?</4>

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!