Leopard Love Still Going Strong and Why I’ve Been Silent

Years ago–six to be exact, when I started posting my outfits versus only family updates, one of my most favorite style posts was this over-the-top Leopard Love moment. Ironically, as I write, I’m wearing a black silky shirt covered in both leopard and cheetah animals. There’s something about animal print and fall that are synonymous to me; come September through November, I’m all about the leopard love! But come on now. Who’s talking about leopard love during the current events of 2020?

I best start talking seriously, but first… where have I been? Why don’t I post as often? Is there something wrong? I think the simple answer is “I don’t know!” And then internally, I think, “Where the heck do I start?” I’ll state it for the record one more time: I’m not a very political person. I don’t have overtly strong views that I want to push onto other people. In the meantime, I am completed flabbergasted, I’m in a flummox, and I have absolutely no words for what has been happening in 2020!

There are some seriously large elephants in the room–ELEPHANTS as in plural! I’ve only broached on the first elephant, Covid 19, twice before–once when we were experiencing it here in Hong Kong and then again when it hit the rest of the world. Before I knew it all the other elephants starting cropping up: the Black Lives Matter movement was in full force, protests were happening all over the USA, and now at hand is the controversial election about to take place for the US. For someone who doesn’t speak about current matters nor politics, I haven’t really known how to share my voice. What is there to say? Do I say what I’m really feeling? And does my voice matter?

Oh, and there’s one more! I forgot the other elephant in the room: The Social Dilemma! Have you seen it? Whoa. And wow! It just about makes me want to delete everything I’ve ever composed online, yet I’m not ready to go live under a rock. However, as seen by my lack of blogging, my lack of using Instagram and Facebook, it’s safe to say I’ve been avoiding the elephant(s) in the room. However, I’m not so sure I want to do that anymore….

Hmm, what should I start with first?

*And for those of you readers who want me to just stick to my style shenanigans, here are ten more leopard love posts for you to browse!

1) Head to toe leopard
2) Very colorful leopard
3) Cozy leopard on my leopard sofa
4) More cozy leopard paired with a whimsical skirt
5) A leopard sweater with shorts
6) Leopard joggers and a tee
7) A purple leopard jumpsuit
8) Simple again with leopard sandals and crossbody bag
9) Over-the-top bold in leopard
10) Leopard faux fur in a winter wonderland

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!