It’s no secret that I’ve got a little leopard love. The last time I experimented with this print it was a bit electric colorful try. This time around I’m almost fully animal–or like my brother-in-law sometimes calls me, Annie-mal! (I actually love this nickname!!) While admittedly all of this animal love in one outfit might seem a little over-the-top, I think it actually kind of works. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I hope you have something in your life that makes you smile when you put it all on–for me, it’s definitely my leopard love.

Some Outfit Details with Leopard Love:
Lippy–NARS Heat Wave
Sunglasses, Earrings, Sweatshirt, and Skirt–Forever 21
Photos by Elle
*This post has been linked up to #iwillwearwhatilike.
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