Ladies Who Lunch

This is going to sound like a random desire, but I’ve always imagined what it would be like to join the ladies who lunch. This is an expat term used in various parts of the world where I’ve lived. I don’t even know if it’s a Stateside expression. Maybe it’s a description used only for expat wives who’ve left their careers to join their husbands overseas. Regardless, one day I want to join the ladies who lunch.

Ladies who lunch doesn’t mean all they do is go to lunch. Far from it! Often these ladies are trailing spouses who have given up their careers to join their husbands overseas. They volunteer at NGOs or even start them, they lead at the schools where their children attend, they provide support networks for the other expat women in their host international city, and many of them start their own businesses accessing local wares or even making their own. I’ve met women who were lawyers, accountants, doctors–all sorts of professions that were given up in order to accompany their husband overseas. This must be a huge sacrifice! Yet, it is done for the family, and I have witnessed how inspirational these women are. It truly is a selfless act.

For sure it’s an odd aspiration, but after 25 years of working overseas, sometimes I would love the chance to join these ladies. I’ve worked since I was 9 years old–first as a babysitter, then at a video store in high school. I also worked at The Limited–remember that store? Plus I worked at Nordstrom. During my freshman year of university, I flipped burgers at a diner just so I could take a spring break trip to Palm Springs. One of my favorite jobs of all time–aside from being a school librarian–was when I was a barista at the Burke Museum Café at University of Washington. Basically I’ve worked for most of my life. The idea of joining the ladies who lunch sounds very appealing–to do something not for money but to volunteer, support, or even create.

What would I do if I didn’t work? Well, for one, I would cook and bake amazing meals for my family. I would have a regular exercise regime. I might even write a book of all the international stories stored away in my head. I’d join the American Woman’s Association or other supportive organizations. For sure I’d probably start my own business–something creative and local to the area like selling jewelry or clothing. I have so many ideas…

Oh, and every now and then I would join the ladies who lunch!


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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!