Kremb de la Kremb is NOT Gone!

Well, I had quite the scare! During this month, Kremb de la Kremb, the blog I’ve been writing since 2006, was GONE! Like absolutely GONE!! I couldn’t find it, I couldn’t retrieve it, and I thought it was lost. Losing this blog felt like not getting that massive photo album out of the fire. You know, the question, “What would you grab from the burning house?” Well, Kremb de la Kremb is what I would grab!

Ecuador is filled with beautiful murals all over its walls. I have passed by this mural in Quito many times and thought what a great place it would be to take photos. My outfit was obviously inspired by the art.

The last post on Kremb de la Kremb is from May, 2022. That’s like two years ago, so yes, I have been absent. There are a couple of reasons for this: one, it doesn’t feel like anyone reads blogs anymore. However, having almost lost this MAJOR family and fashion photo album so to speak, I’ve decided I don’t care. I don’t care that people don’t read blogs anymore. Kremb de la Kremb started as a family blog. Once the kiddos insisted on not being posted, I turned it into my fashion blog, and now I don’t know in which direction it will head. I do know that I’ve missed it! So, even if no one reads this blog, I am going to keep posting. It brings me pleasure, it keeps me creative, and it’s a great place to store all sorts of memories.

Some things have happened in the last two years: namely in the spring of 2022, I had a hysterectomy. The hormones were all over the place in 2023. I gained a ton of weight, and on top of that–or in conjunction–I became an empty nester. Kevin was so busy with work; he had become not only the middle school principal but the high school principal as well. I was terribly lonely, I was most likely a bit depressed, and I came home from work and sat on my bum. Do I remember any accomplishments? No, none whatsoever. That’s ok. It was a difficult year, but I got through it. 

You will have noticed some changes! I am two years older–and it’s starting to show. My hair is the main point of contention. I decided as a new year resolution to stop tweezing my white hairs, and boy are they comin’ in strong! In addition in the fall of 23, I lost a ton of hair; it was coming out like crazy. So also in January, I went on Nutrafol–hence the rapid hair growth. All this is to say I am going grey. I am not sure what to think about it, it consumes my thoughts too much, and I don’t know what to do with my hair. Do I just let it go grey? I think so… But boy is it humbling. I have always had such pretty hair–at least I think so. I’ve liked it. Now to see it changing so rapidly is throwing me for a loop.

Another interesting and age appropriate topic you’ll find me discussing these days is menopause. I am IN IT! Maybe to win it for goodness sakes!! Even though I had a hysterectomy, I still have my ovaries, and let me tell you: they are working! My biggest complaint symptom are the night sweats. My goodness are those intense! I’m thankful for the (first) king size bed we have ever had plus an extra bedroom. In one night, I can take up three spaces of the king (while Kevin sticks to his little sliver) plus head on over to the spare bed. I suppose I am fortunate that my only experience–for now–is night sweats. Luckily I have the very best gynecologist I have ever had in my entire life: Dra. Karla Andrade. (If you need her contact because you are a reader in Quito, please do NOT hesitate to reach out for her number. She is the very best!) Dra. Karla is AMAZING. She has helped me so much, my daughter, my friends, basically I think the world of her, and I will definitely miss her when we leave Ecuador.

Well, hopefully this suffices for a quick update. Kremb de la Kremb is not GONE! She’s back, and she’s ready to write. It’s been a two year break, and in my return there might not be readers, but to tell you the truth, I do not care. This blog is for me. Writing this post has been so amazingly pleasurable. I had forgotten how much I love to write! Hopefully you will join me as I continue to share my thoughts, style, every day life, plus life events.

Will you become a Kremb de la Kremb reader again? Do tell in the comments!!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!