Kitty N. Wong

_DSC9246I am meeting so many neat people in Hong Kong! There are creative types left and right, and I feel so lucky to be knowing them. Kitty N. Wong is one such example. I knew of Kitty before I met her at the Eco Chic Design Award through social media and her blog. When I saw that she would be setting up her easel at the Star Ferry Terminal in TST last Friday, well, I got “dressed” for the occasion! I put on my tulle skirt, and I went to find her. I love her illustrations and have always wanted to ask for one: I now had my chance!
KittyWongCollageI find her illustration of me just perfect; it’s the one in the upper, left-hand corner. I wasn’t the only fashionista in the making seeking Kitty’s illustration. The little cutie pie in the bottom, right-hand corner waited patiently and then finally got the nerve to stand for Kitty. She had the cutest little pose–not to mention a pink polka dots and yellow stripe thing goin’ on. Ironically, this little girl was on her way to art class. You never know….maybe she’ll grow up to be a fashion illustrator just like Kitty N. Wong!
_DSC9254Kitty is super sweet and obviously so talented. Make sure to check out her artwork on her blog or Tumblr. If you’re into social media, you can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  Her prints are for sale in her Etsy shop.

Thank you Kitty!! I’ll be watching out for the next time you set up your easel….

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

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