Kate and Adrian’s Visit

We had such fun with Kate and Adrian! We both had an October break, so they came up to us this time. Next, we’ll go down for Adrian’s show opening. It’s such a novelty to actually have family in the same country–it’s AWESOME! (Adrian and Kate are in Suzhou while Corky and Sally are in Hong Kong. Plus, it’s not the same country, but Brian and Jen are close in Jakarta, Indonesia. A wonderful first for us to be so close to three siblings and their loves;) All week long we toured and hung out, cooked or ordered in, rode bikes or taxied around, shopped or saw sights, AND always managed to have a great time.

Here are a slew of pictures from our week together:

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

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