Just What the Doctor Ordered

Oh wow! I can’t believe it’s already October 18, and I have only posted on Kremb de la Kremb one other time this month back on October 3rd. I guess I needed to take a break–just what the doctor ordered! There was a time with this blog that I was posting every single day, Monday through Friday by 6:30 am (look at my archives for 2014 and 2015 for proof!). I can’t believe how I did that! Then, after some time of doing that, I just couldn’t keep up. I switched to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, this time posting in the evenings; the kids did their homework while I blogged. Now, goodness, looks as if I’m lucky if I write a post once a week. But, you know what? I’m forgiving myself. I do have a full time day job and a family to care for. As much as I dream of the Kremb de la Kremb blog and brand being my job, the reality is it isn’t. And just recently, while away on a family vacation, I could have used the luxurious time to catch up, but again, I didn’t. Instead I watched the kids surf, I took long walks with my husband on the beach, and I read a book–because that’s what one should do on a vacation, right? Something has shifted in me since I’ve received Pinky, my artificial hip. I’m feeling more relaxed and less pressured. Oh, I’ll keep blogging for sure: I adore the creativity this blog allows me. But I need to apologize to you my reader because unfortunately I cannot promise a guaranteed schedule any longer. I want to write when inspired and not when forced; therefore I recommend signing up right here to the right in my sidebar for an email notification when you’d like to know if there’s a new post over here on Kremb de la Kremb. Oh, by the way, I can give you advance heads up that there will be one on Thursday! Wink wink. After some relaxation, my creative mind is working–just what the doctor ordered!





*These pictures were shot on a beautiful Phuket beach called Kata. We stayed at a lovely little hotel called The Boathouse, one I totally recommend. Visiting this beach during August, September, and October is perfect for surfers. Yes, we had some drizzles here and there along with plenty of sun, but rain on a beach is still quite lovely!

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

6 thoughts on “Just What the Doctor Ordered

  1. Good to hear that your taking timely and. overdue rest and making some changes needed as you see them.
    Love your pretty, tassled beach dress. That first shot is especially charming. The shots of you “rock hopping” made me think that Pinky must be fully functional. I also felt a bit anxious because I used to do a lot of that on the shores of Lake Superior, where I grew up and it could be tricky…
    You’re looking more refreshed each time that I see you, so MS. PINKY has clearly had a continuing positive impact on your quality of life and I’m sure this trend will continue to reveal itself to you. I bet that by the time you’re ready to return to your Idaho home next summer you’ll feel like a whole new Anne.
    I’m cheering you on girl!

    1. Hahah! I had to laugh about your “hopping the rock” comment as my husband taking the pictures was saying the same thing! I’m very much a poser though and took this “jump” very slow! But, yes, Ms. Pinky is doing very well. I have slowed down on PT and instead focused on just walking and that suits me much better for now. I still need to figure out how to not be so stiff after sitting, but a visit to the doc and PT next Tuesday will hopefully allow for some answers.

      And yes, I feel good about my decision to write when inspired; I’ll be the boss of the blog and not the other way around! Right?! Thankfully I have a loyal reader in you Judy. Thank you for that!

      Much love, Ann

  2. Good for you girl. It’s really healthy to take full charge of your blog rather than let the blog run your life. Balance is the key for all things in life and the blog’s no different. We love the creative flow it allows us, but not to the exclusion of other wonderful things. It sounds like you guys had a fantastic holiday together and you look so very well. Glossy hair, golden skin and clear eyes all go to show that you’re thriving Ann – well done for coming through this major operation and getting back onto top form!
    Anna x

    1. Thank you Anna. You said it all so well, and you are very right. I plan to do exactly what you have said! Except for every 20th, wink wink!

      And, yes, vacation was bliss–as it always is. Now on until December 17th when the next break starts….

      Love, Ann

  3. glad you’ve enjoyed your holiday in an absolutely relaxing attitude!, that’s fabulous! and it’s also fabulous that you’re rocking your Real Life over your blog, even if blogging is a creative interesting activity, but I understand you indeed!
    You look gorgeous in your beach dress, I love that comfy feeling and such a pretty smile!

    1. Thank you so much! And I’m glad you understand. This beach dress reminds me so much of my mom–which was another way the post could have gone, but instead I wrote about liberating my schedule. Feels so good! And now maybe I can get to all the replies I need to…!

      Thanks for stopping by!

      Love, Ann

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