Juniper + Ink

Something so special happened last week: I got a package in the mail from a previous student from Venezuela. This young lady was a complete StarGirl then and continues to be one today. Danielle, or better known as Dani, Cox has always been that really cool young lady who is charming and confident while exuding all sorts of creativity. I first met Dani back at ECA when she was in middle school. I remember she made me the coolest handbag out of a pair of used jeans. Since then, and thanks to Facebook, I’ve seen her graduate from Rhode Island School of Design, work for Martha Stewart, and now begin her own company, Juniper + Ink. Now, just recently, she sent me the loveliest package with something she made specially for both me and Gigi. Do visit this Juniper + Ink–especially if you are in need of anything, anything at all creative. Dani makes jewellery, stationary, typography, graphic design, photography….the list will go on and on. She’s your go-to gal for anything creative! Thank you Dani for thinking of me!!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!