July’s Instagram @KrembdelaKremb: Vol 7

July Instagram

July’s Instagram = Lake Pictures!

We were out at the like for all of this past month, so if you follow @krembdelakremb July’s Instagram is mainly all about the lake.

1. The summer out at the lake seemed to start the moment Gigi jumped out of the boat, arms and legs spread wide. Freedom. Love. Joy. It’s all there in this Insta capture!

2. My daily uniform out at lake consists of either jean shorts or my swimsuit. For the 4th of July, I did post a Style Story, but then I stopped since this is the look each and every day!

3. Each summer a recipe stands out–one that just keeps getting repeated. I made this zucchini, walnut, and quinoa salad multiple times. Also on high repeat were the sausages prepared from the butcher at Super One on the South Hill of Spokane. Those were the other tasty treat that accompanied this healthy salad. (Another recipe I posted was my Grandma Soogie’s cucumber salad.)

4. I read Bellweather Rhapsody. It was a fun little book to follow up our visit to the Timberline Lodge. It’s a clever, twisted mystery that is so intricate it was a delight. I also highlighted my sunnies of the day with every 4th picture on Instagram. It was a little trial I attempted (to be artsy fartsy with my feed–scroll down to see). Did you notice?

5. This pic was one of my most liked of the month–our first night out there eating pizza from 4th and Main Pizza on the dock.

6. I got my craft on this summer! I made some fringed sandals, an ostrich bag, and some doily bowls. Plus I added a trim to this mini skirt to make it just a bit longer. It has been so fun doing DIY projects. I have a few more to come. Do you like reading about my DIY attempts?

7. Kevin and I celebrated 18 years this summer! We had a nice raclette meal with his mom and dad. It’s one of the kids favorite meals each summer.

8. I fell in love with a sweet little Yorkie Terrier this summer named Ruby. Plus, I love wearing my (mom’s) cowboy boots all summer long. I think they look amazing with a pair of cutoffs. Only in Idaho! (Although I did purchase this pair so that I can keep my mom’s out here at the lake yet have another pair for Hong Kong.)

9. I started a history series of our cabin during this month. I covered the screened in porch and the Family Room. I’m not sure if I shoudl continue the series this summer or just wait till next. Can you weigh in?

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!