Instagram Flashback: Vol 4


April Instagram @KrembdelaKremb

April was a great month! When I look back on my Instagram feed, there were a few pics that caught my attention to highlight the month. Are you on Instagram? Follow me. I love connecting over this social media platform.

1. We started going to the beach again.
2. I wore blue mascara a lot–thanks to my InStyle inspired ten day color challenge.
3. I hosted an Istagram bag giveaway that introduced me to a ton of new people on Instagram.
4. When opportunity knocks, I opened the door!
5. We got back to some order in our household by planning out our weekly menu. Routines are good!
6. I showcased a Kremb de la Kremb line of clothing in the school where I work fashion show. (Pictures to hopefully come soon.)
7. We took an amazing trip through Yunnan Province in China.
8. I started regularly drinking tea again.
9. One of my pictures was featured on InStyle’s Instagram feed!

Aside from some of the fun pics found on my Instagram feed this past month of April, I also made some new friends via Instagram. I recommend following these rockin’ awesome individuals: @vanishalifeunstyled, @icadoo, @flatbummum, @house_of_ginger, and @sarawolfbuch.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!