Here’s the second set of Indian street style pics I took during my day in Delhi. I found out around this time that it was Woman’s Day–which helped to explain all the finery. Everyone, but mainly women, were so dressed up on this day. It made the touring around historical landmarks all that more remarkable.
This babaji on the left was not going to let me get a picture of this lovely lady. I pretty much followed her around–by zooming in of course. Up close, he yelled at me just twice.
This might be my favorite pic of the whole trip. The cooing sounds this lady was making grabbed my attention first; then I zoomed in and got the kiss. So sweet!
Two beauties from our trip, Tora and Minnie (I covet their sunnies and will have some!)
Next up… a little of my Indian street style! Stay tuned for Friday.
Indian Street Style {Round 2}
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