Incredible India

I love elephants–especially the Indian ones.

Many schools provide students with a traveling experience that promotes service, culture, adventure, and most importantly bonding amongst each other. At HKIS this trip is called Interim. There are 40 different locations for the kids to choose from. When I arrived this school year to HKIS, I was told I’d be going in one of the trips to India.

I was thrilled! I’ve been wanting to go back to India ever since I left!

She’s gorgeous isn’t she?
It was at this time when we had just arrived, just in a simple restaurant bathroom, that I wrote to Kevin saying, “When do we get to move back to India?” Even the beautiful lights set me off with nostalgia!
Someone’s tomb. I’m sorry but I forget whom. Pretty amazing though.
Rickshaws! (In Delhi they’re green where as in Bombay, the base is black.)
Of course, it’s mandatory to see a camel whilst in India–even if it’s at a tourist trap!
You can imagine my horror! I wouldn’t ever normally step foot on the trains when I lived in India let alone spend the night on one. Well, I can say I have done it….
It’s true: I’m smitten with Marty on the right. Now I have a new guide crush with Karan on the left. Snow Leopards provides the most extraordinary experience thanks to their kind and generous guides.
My first tent named “Elephant” at Camp Tusker.
Biking was a blast!
While out hiking, I came across some very large dung. I wondered whatever animal it could be. Using my hat to show the size, I took a picture so I could ask the guides. Turns out we were hiking out and about where about 500 elephants live. They come out at night.
One majestic evening, we sat on the Mother Ganga and experienced a very holy Arti ritual ceremony. It was so, so very special.
We arrived to the Ganges River camp at night. Imagine my delightful surprise in the morning when I opened my tent to this!
One day we hiked all the way up into the mountains to visit a village school. Here’s one of their cuties!
After the hike up to the mountain village school we passed by this Avatar-like waterfall. Spectacular!
My last ten minutes in India were spent at Good Earth. It should rather be called, Heaven on Earth!
I was so excited to get home and see my kiddos and Kevin. I missed them so very much. The whole time it was as if I was missing my limbs as India is such an important part of all of us–together as a family.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!