UGH! I hate my hair!

Have you ever gone in to the hair stylist with a great idea for a haircut, only to have it be a big ol’ flop? I went from absolutely loving my hair to hating it! For about a year there I had my hair chemically straightened and wore it in a chic bob. In fact this post here exclaims how much I loved that hairdo. I’m not sure why I ruined it, but now I absolutely hate my hair!

Well, I take that back: I do know why I cut it. I have very wavy hair. The minute my crown has any growth it starts to get a kink. The nape of my neck is even curlier–that section of my hair wasn’t even taking the chemical treatment anymore. So, I figured it was time to go back to my natural wavy hair…

Now I am left with the top half being straight (naturally), and the underneath bits in a wonky wavy since half the hair is still straight (from the chemical) and the other half has some wave. Basically, I hate my hair: it’s not working, it’s super hard to style, and it won’t grow fast enough!

Please share! Do you have any tips for growing hair? So far I’ve tried taking both biotin and collagen daily. In addition, I purchased this little head massager thingy that I can often be seen using. I’m not sure any of this is going to help. I’m so desperate; I found this random Youtube video where one adds eggs and oil to their hair and then leaves a coconut oil mask on for 8 hours. Supposedly your hair will grow an inch with this! However I’ll be real: I don’t know if I can be that bothered…

So please….give me your hair growth tips–aside from anything using eggs or mayonnaise!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!