I had to have these Embroidered Jeans!


Earrings, Forever 21 (old, but similar) | Cold Shoulder Top, ASOS | Embroidered Jeans,
Zara (sold out, but this is their new–and even better–version!) | Glitter Bag, Zara Girls
(old, but similar) | Glitter Boots, Zara (last year, but these are very close)

I had to have these embroidered jeans. I mean I really had to have them. And, I was prepared to go to whatever lengths to find them! I first stumbled upon these embroidered jeans while I was resting in my Command Center post my hip surgery this fall. Check out how beautiful these Zara gems look on the stunning Maria Bernad. You can see why I had to have them!

embroidered-jeans-6The first pair I got were a size 4–yes, that’s laughable because I have only once fit in a size 4. It was a brief and glorious–if even short lived–stint, but it hasn’t and most likely will not happen again. I’m ok with that. But the drugged out mom told her kids when they went to the movies to get me whatever pair they could. I didn’t care about size at that point. I wasn’t even able to pull them past my knees, but I held on to them just for the patches in case I weren’t to find my proper size.

It was time to head online, but there they were not an option in Hong Kong. Next I went to the Zara US site: I had my sister ready to receive them and ship them over, but to no avail they were sold out there too. It was at this time I turned north to China, and guess what? I found them!! But there was now a new hitch. China does not take Hong Kong credit cards, and I no longer have a Chinese bank account–once we left Beijing we closed our accounts.

embroidered-jeans-4Oh the struggle was getting real. I felt desperate by now feeling that I must, I had to have these embroidered jeans. I had the very small pair sitting as standby–I planned to used the patches on another pair of jeans if need be. That’s when Andrew came in! I used to work with Andrew in Beijing, but he has since left the school and now runs a business purchasing items in China for expats. This was the perfect solution for my dilemma and so easy. Within a couple of days, I finally had the proper sized embroidered jeans thanks to the help of Andrew. (If you need Andrew’s contact information, just let me know.)

embroidered-jeans-5Are you like me? Desperate when you become fixated on an item. When there is a will, there is a way–that’s way I say, and WEAR! Let me know if you need help finding an item. Chances are it will become my fashion fixation too, and I’ll be able to help you out. I mean it. Let me shop for you! All you have to do is ask….

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

6 thoughts on “I had to have these Embroidered Jeans!

    1. I’m so glad you got them Andrea! I almost got a second pair and then reason came back to me. I don’t need another pair. Want on the other hand–that’s always there!!

      Can’t wait to see them on you!!

      Love, Ann

  1. I’m feeling wonderfully wise and fortunate. As a complete sucker for embroidered clothing for a long time, I saved a bunch a of embroidered jeans from only about 10 years ago and they are wonderfully wearable and cool again. I get your craving for these Ann. They’re quite lovely.
    Hey!! Your hair looks very cute in this post as well AND is that some embroidery and beading on the boots too?
    Very fun posting.

    1. Thank you Judy! That’s awesome that you have some embroidered jeans to pull out.I had these amazing red patched Levi jeans that I’d do just about anything to still have. I wore them for my senior high school pictures. Oh those jeans were cool. I try to make sure to get rid of things since I add, but it’s wise to hold on to the KEEPERS that will last for ever!

      The boots are also from Zara but they’re covered in black glitter. I LOVE them!! Pinky doesn’t like to walk in them for too long, but they’re a great sitting/2 hour shoe! Hello Christmas parties!!

      Love, Ann

      PS I’ve been cutting my own fringe!

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