I Can’t Get Enough Bags!

bagsOn my most recent trip to Lijiang, China, I made a self discovery: I love bags! I really can’t get enough of them. I already own so many bags: clutches and totes, embroidered and beaded, straw and leather. Yet, when I’m traveling and in the markets of a destination, I am just drawn to all the bags like a bear to honey. It’s really odd; I know I don’t need another one, but then, I’m just taken with them! They’re always so intricate and unique. The bags of a locale demonstrate the artisans of that spot. They’re like special pieces of eye candy for me that I must take home. Some women have a caving for shoes, maybe others makeup–for me it’s definitely bags. My bags are overspilling yet; I have way too many of them. But, I can guarantee, I’ll find a few more! Some people collect charms from their travels and others magnets. I’ve come to the conclusion mine is bags!

Do you have item in your closet that is just overflowing? What can you NOT say no to?

By the way, I couldn’t actually decide on one of these bags, so I have four. Now that I’ve chosen two, that means there are two extra–for you! I’m giving away two of these lovely embroidered, fringed, AND beaded bags! All you have to do is introduce me to two new people on my Instagram feed @krembdelakremb by tagging them on this picture. Who do you think I should follow? I’d like to know of two people in your Instagram feed that you’d think I’d like. Tag two friends, and you might just win one of these bags!

*This post has been linked up to Brilliant Blog Posts, Whims Wednesday, Style Sessions, Monday Mingle, Let It Shine, and Passion 4 Fashion.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

4 thoughts on “I Can’t Get Enough Bags!

  1. I travelled to Lijiang about 8 years ago! Isn’t it just the most beautiful place in the world!! There must be something about their bags because I also came home with almost more than I could carry 🙂 #BrilliantBlogPosts

    1. Oh! It’s so neat to have a reader who’s been to a place I’ve traveled to!! Yes, I came home with seven! Two I’m giving away. If you’re on Instagram and want another one….just tag two people!

      Thanks for stopping by. I’m off to check out your blog;D


  2. Wow, gorgeous bags! I used to have a bit of a bag thing, now it’s plants! :-/ #BrilliantBlogPosts

    1. Go tag two people on the Instagram pic and you could win one from my travels.

      Do you collect plants from your travels? No. Probably not just in general right? Will check you out Attachment Mummy;D A x

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