Holiday Outfit Formula

Holiday Outfit Formula
For the holiday season, I always have a couple of set outfits–outfits that will go easily from work to a party and make me feel festive for any occasion. The go-to outfit this season was an easy formula: black turtleneck + black booties and black tights + a festive skirt. These three skirts were in definite rotation for December, 2013. I wore my MAC Ruby Woo all month too adding glittery and sparkly earrings accordingly. Do you have a holiday outfit formula? Share!
Holiday Outfit Formula

Some Outfit Details
Lips, MAC Ruby Woo
Black Turtleneck, Uniqlo–I especially like this one because it has some hints of sparkly shining through.
Black Booties, DV Juju–I copied my sister Julie as detailed here.
Red Velvet Floral Skirt, Forever21
Black Embroidered Skirt, Forever21
Red Plaid Skirt, so old! I picked this skirt up ages ago when I was home one holiday season. I was running through Fred Meyer and saw it for US$5! Of course I picked up–even though it was too big. It was too easy not to take to the tailor and have it made to my size. I love this skirt and pull it out every month of December!

Photos by Natlie Chyi

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!