December 1st Means I Can Wear My Holiday Clothes

holiday clothes

This is the Christmas plaid shirt I bought from J. Crew last year.

I have an entire storage box filled with my holiday clothes. With Thanksgiving falling so early this year, anticipating the chance to wear my holiday clothes has been brutal. But finally, it’s December 1st, the box of holiday clothes has been opened and I’m ready to wear them for the next two weeks. Come December 16, I’ll be opening up a different storage container–the other holiday one–the box filled with hot weather clothes. We have exactly two more weeks of school, and then we’ll be heading to Thailand for our winter break. Until then, it’s holiday clothes each and every day I go to work. I started today with my new Christmas plaid pants–they’ll most likely be styled first for the blog. In the meantime I took a look down memory lane and pulled the different variations I’ve worn what’s in the box….

Christmas Plaid Long Skirt

Holiday Clothes

Oh I love this long Christmas plaid skirt. Here a good friend let me borrow her J. Crew plaid top!

Holiday Clothes

Here I love how I paired the with my sister’s edgy leather jacket.

Colorful Sequins

Holiday Clothes

During this Ping Pong Post with Anna and Samantha, I let Samantha keep it. Although I loved it, it was always quite small on me.

Holiday Clothes

I didn’t have trouble sharing my sequin top since I now had this one that’s nice and boxy and fits me just fine.

Silver Sequin Pants

Holiday Clothes

I can’t wait to style the silver goodness of these pants! I think I’m looking most forward to them for some reason…. (This was not a previous Christmas post, but I could see this making a great holiday look.

Embroidery and Sequins

Holiday Clothes

This also was a post season look, but I love the elegance of this styling. I think it would be perfect for Christmas.

Little Red Dress

Holiday Clothes

Anything red works in my book–especially an LRD (little red dress).

Holiday Clothes

I have to admit–I’m scared to try this dress on–I don’t know if it will fit me anymore. Wish me luck!

Holiday Clothes

I am so sad; I left this adorable beret on a bus last weekend. It was my favorite hat. It’s irreplaceable as I picked up in a random boutique on Ho Hai lake in Beijing. In other words, I have a new fashion fixation ahead of me!

Holiday Clothes

There’s nothing like turning your LRD into an LRVD (little red velvet dress)!

Out of all of these holiday clothes which ones do you want to see restyled this holiday season?
I hope some of these past Kremb de la Kremb stylings offer you style inspo for your holiday season.

Merry Merry!!

This post has been linked to Samantha’s #fakeituntilyoumakeit.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

7 thoughts on “December 1st Means I Can Wear My Holiday Clothes

    1. Thank you Suzy!! Ironically, when I went to pick holiday styles, not many of my velvet looks from last year made it–they weren’t holiday enough or something–except for that little red velvet dress! Now that’s a good one! In fact I have to work today on a Saturday. UGH! Maybe to cheer myself up, I’ll wear that one!

      Thanks for all your lovely kindness toward me Suzy. I always appreciate your comments and love.

      A x

  1. OMG!! Your collection of holiday wardrobe delights is so enviable!!!
    I can’t wait to see you mixing everything up from this GORGEOUS bunch of goodies!
    It’s fun just to see all of these past outfits because I’m pretty sure that I’m seeing all of them for the first time.
    The sequined items are so lovely Annie. You have a knack for finding some really amazing pieces and now I understand why you’ve been chomping at the bit to wear them.

    1. Right!?! There are two things that happen: throughout the entire year, if I see some Christmas plaid–like the long skirt up there that I think was purchased during summer, definitely not during the holiday season, I’ll usually get it if it’s not too absurd a price. The second thing I do is right after the holiday season, I pay attention to those significant pieces that go for a dime rather than a dollar!

      Jude, I take my holidays very seriously! Can you tell? Hahahah! Merry Christmas!!

      Love, Annie

      PS Yesterday at school, the library had a Giving Tree. When it “opens” it has some goodies for the kiddos when they put an ornament on the tree. Hey, even these high schoolers like to be kiddos every once in a while!! ;D

      1. Your Giving Tree sounds like a winning moment of “jolly in the library”. Keeping childlike hope and wonder alive is a very wise act.

  2. Hi Annie. I love many of these outfits. You look great in them! I am especially fond of the long plaid skirt (love the plaid on plaid), the embroidery with sequin outfit and the silver sequin pants. I like that pink clutch so much!

    I’m just catching up with your posts, because I have been super busy working on my own blog. Here’s a link if you are interested. I hope that you like it.

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