I’m an HK Resident!

There’s really nothing spectacular about this outfit–other than it’s a take on the Canadian tuxedo but in all off-white denim version. What is special about these pictures however is that I just received my permanent HK resident card! Yes, after living here for over 7 years, one is able to apply for residency. As we’re about to complete our 8th year here in Hong Kong, we went for it!

True it’s a bit of a novelty, but it sure does feel great to know that I am a resident here. I can receive the same health care as a local, I can buy property at a much lower percentage charge, and if I wanted to send my kids to public school I could. As long as I live here, I’m considered a resident, and if we do ever leave, I just have to return to Hong Kong once every 3 years to maintain my residency.

At present we don’t see a departure insight: Vincent is graduating this school year while Gigi has two more years of schooling here after this year. Both Kevin and I are secure in our jobs. We could foresee staying through at least Gigi’s first year of college which gives us 3 more years after this one. Never say never though–you never know!

At any rate, this was an exciting day. We stopped to take pictures at the HK Court House to document the moment–well I did anyway. And it’s true: I’m very proud to be an HK resident as I love this city with all my heart and soul!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!