Here’s to 2016!

Christmas 15.3

Here’s a family picture taken on the afternoon of Christmas Eve. We spent Christmas in the SNOW
in Spokane, Washington at my sister and her family’s home. It was BEYOND beautiful! (Thank you to Matthew and Julie, Elle, Maeve and Thomas for making our 2015 Christmas so, so AMAZING!)

It’s already January 5th. Blogging and posting on Kremb de la Kremb has gone by the wayside on this fabulous winter wonderland holiday we’re having, and you know what? That’s ok. This is my hobby, and between so much activity, spotty wifi, and tons and tons of absolutely fabulous family time, I have let my posting on the blog subside a bit. I will be back, maybe in full force, maybe a little more laxed. The commonplace first post of the year is filled with blogging goals and style revelations, but not from me this year. Instead, I’m basking (intentional word choice) in the cold of the Pacific Northwest–from Schweitzer Mountain in Northern Idaho to Spokane where I’m from and Seattle where my husband is from. In fact as I write, we’ve taken a mini vacation from the vacation with a two night trip to Vancouver, BC. Don’t get me wrong: I do love blogging and styling outfit posts–in fact I have a ton of outfit posts lined up. I love the creativity with which this blog stimulates my mind. But for now, until my routine back in Hong Kong resumes, which definitely includes blogging, I’m going to enjoy the rest of my winter wonderland vacation in the Pacific Northwest! I’ll hit all those blogging and style goals later….

I hope you are also enjoying the start of 2016 with plenty of gusto!

Here’s to 2016!!

Love, Ann

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

5 thoughts on “Here’s to 2016!

  1. Well.. I can do with some rest too, so don’t you worry. I won’t forget or forsake you. Have a wonderful time. Love the picture of your family. Such a happy situation. You are very wise to enjoy it while you can. As you might know, I have been to Vancouver last summer for a blogger meet-up and I think it is a terrific city with a good vibe. I could live there. (But I still prefer Amsterdam.)

  2. Ahh, things just aren’t as fun when you’re not around, Annie!! But I shall be patient. I shall wait for you to return, chomping at the bit, completely recharged and raring to go xoxo

  3. What a lovely family photo – and you look such the fashionista. It’s good to find a sense of balance during these family times when blogging can wait. We will all be happy to see you when you get back, relaxed and refreshed I’m sure. My parcel hasn’t left me yet as I’ve had flu but will be despatching next week. Check out my paisley skirt – I thought I’d ping pong it to you with the jacket. What do you think? Lots of love, Anna xxx
    Anna’s Island Style

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