Happy Pride!

HappyPride4Well, I’m back in Hong Kong complete with wifi whenever I want it! It was actually very difficult not being able to write here on the blog for the entire month of July. I missed posting here a ton, but now I have many, many posts to catch up on–the first being the end of our amazing road trip that started out our summer vacation (see more of the trip here, here, and here). We had two days in San Francisco, and it just so happened that the second day coincided with the SF Pride Parade. Oh, was it something for all of us to see! We’re used to the ten minute Spirit Lake 4th of July Parade, so this four hour event really knocked our socks off! I’d say the very best part was our two neighbors who so graciously took care of us making sure we received plenty of swag and informed us of exactly what was happening in the LGBT community of San Francisco. And let’s be honest: the other shocker was all the older men walking around nude! Happy Pride!!




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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!