I’m So Happy for My Readers

I’m so happy for my readers. I really am. I have the best readers ever! For some reason, I was so nervous to ask for feedback; in fact it took me years to finally post a reader survey. But I don’t know what I was worried about because you were all so kind! The feedback I received was so helpful, and I have a better idea about how to make everyone more happy when they visit Kremb de la Kremb.

Here’s some information I learned about you, my readers: 75% of you are over 40 just like me, and 50% of you are a midsized woman similar to me. Amazingly, most have you found my blog via someone else’s blog. Over half of you prefer both Instagram and blogs, and exactly half of you read 4-8 blogs regularly. I’m so happy mine is one of them!! The two main reasons you all read blogs are for both style inspiration as well as to feel connected to other women. This tells me to yes, share my style, but also open up more about myself, my opinions, my values, and my stories. And it’s true: you visit Kremb de la Kremb to see my style (71%) but also to hear about my life (64%).

I wasn’t so clear in part of my survey–which simply demonstrates that I’m a beginner at this feedback thing! Basically when it comes to style vs DIY, 70% prefer style advice posts. Yet, when it comes to editorial style post vs every day outfits, 90% of you prefer every day outfits. Can you see the confusion? I guess, basically I can take that what I post better be something I do indeed wear. And for what I do actually wear, I can add the style advice to it. The short format answers that people filled out were so nice: basically you all like Kremb de la Kremb which left me feeling very, very happy! Thank you so much for your feedback!!

Luckily, y’all don’t mind, and you encourage me to include shoppable links. So…. to that end, here’s a little bit about this outfit: it’s all from HM. When I saw the sweatshirt, I had to get it. My maiden name, FREUEN, actually means, “to be happy,” in German. Right? I had to get it, and I like to think I’m a happy person, so it was meant to be. The sweatshirt is old, but some of the suit pieces are still available. I’ve been wanting to try a little plaid mixing; the plaid blazer (as seen as a suit here–and sorry only the pants and mini skirt are still available) is a fun mismatch to my plaid mini (seen as a suit here). I can remember seeing it on Officially Quigley and wanting to copy her exact look. Well, now I have!

To end, I want to say thank you one more time! Writing this blog of mine makes me very, very happy, and I couldn’t feel this way if I didn’t have such great readers. So, I appreciate you all so much!

*This blog post has been added to Catherine’s #iwillwearwhatiwant link up.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!