Halloween Roundup

HalloweenRoundupTomorrow is Halloween! For a kid, Halloween is a pretty fantastic holiday–you get to pose as someone other than yourself, walk around and ask for candy to your heart’s content, return home exhausted but ready to organize, trade, and sample your abundance of goods. I have wonderful memories of Halloween from growing up. My mom would often intricately paint our faces causing oohs and ahhs from the neighboring houses. This tended to be the easiest costume as it meant we could keep warm in the cold Spokane falls–sometimes it would even snow! My cousins Kelly and Peter would always join in our brigade turning us into a bustling pack. This is my fondest Halloween memory: my mom wouldn’t just pass out candy the conventional way. Rather, she’d get all dressed up as the scariest hobo around. She’d perch herself in the corner of our large entryway balcony. Placed on this mysterious form of a human being would be the largest bowl of candy to be found. There was always a note in the bowl that read: TAKE ONE ONLY! Right when those young adventurous punks were ready to negate the sign’s request and take a handful, my mom’s hand would reach out and snatch the kid. Oh, the screams! I remember their were several heart-attacked fathers as well.

In the spirit of Halloween I’ve created this roundup of fun Halloween ideas for the festivities tomorrow:


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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!