Vincent moved in to college this weekend. Because he’s an international student, he was able to obtain a dorm room–and not just that but a five bedroom dorm suite with two other roommates. He’s been gone just about a month. In that time he’s opened a checking account, purchased a bike, passed a driving test, and acquired a new phone number. He also got to spend some amazing time with his grandparents, take a weekend trip to the lake, and hang out with his cousins. All the way on the other side of the world I can feel his happiness!

Everyone has been shocked by my lack of teary emotion. But how could I shed tears at a time like this!? I am so incredibly happy and excited for Vincent. It was time for him to venture out–despite the fact that he’ll be learning online for the start of his college career. The entire process of sending a child away is so interesting. When it is time, it is so easy; it’s the building up to the departure that is hard.

I can remember when Vincent was in middle school. A colleague was sending her high school daughter away for a volleyball trip. Vincent was years and years away from leaving the next, but I recall bawling my eyes out just thinking about him leaving home. This was all brought on by someone else’s daughter’s school trip! Similarily during the goodbyes to Vincent, I did shed some tears, but they weren’t for him. I found myself getting very upset that soon Gigi would be next.

For now, I do not know how I will handle a full empty in under two years time. I do know that I am so excited for my son, and at the same time, I am relishing every single moment with Gigi. There’s a reason why we are supposed to take each day at a time. As a parent, this philosophy couldn’t be more important as the nest slowly empties.
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