Give Me an “A!”

A Sweatshirt
I am finding it surprisingly easy to hop onto the sweatshirt trend this fall. Of course when I saw this one, I had to get it, right? I mean come on! It’s got an “A” for AMAZING and AWESOME, oh and not to mention ANNIE! Heehee. Ok, it is over the top, but I love wearing it, and it’s so comfy. You’ll recognize a couple of other items on repeat in this post like the jeans seen here, here, and here and also on Julie here.  The open toed booties are a favorite seen here; plus these boots help to transform any outfit from casual to chic as shown here. This leopard tank made its first appearance this last summer on a “Roar Trip” from Seattle to Spokane.  In regards to this sweatshirt and  the “Cremé de la Créme” one, I have a feeling both will become staples this fall and winter season. Here’s to the sweatshirt trend! Give me an “A!”
A Sweatshirt

A Sweatshirt

A Sweatshirt

Photos by Joanie, my mom

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!