Gigi’s Chaoyang Surprise

This Sunday’s excursion was to the carnival area in Chaoyang Park. We surprised Gigi and brought her to this fun area to jump start her birthday celebrations. She’s 7 this September 13, 2010!

Heading out, Gigi wanted us to all wear mustaches.

Kevin is the only one who took his stache wearing very seriously!
Kevin and Vincent got us a four-seater bicycle.
Gigi at the helm.
Vincent is inside this floating tube like structure spinning round on the water like Gigi's pet hamster.
The birthday girl spinning around!
We're holding onto each other after a roller coaster that didn't feel too safe.
Getting all wet on the water coaster was super refreshing and fun.

We finished our visit with a picnic in the park.

(Visited 188 times, 1 visits today)

Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “Gigi’s Chaoyang Surprise

  1. Happy Birthday Gigi! look’s like you had an awesome weekend, we still remember when you did that jumping/twirling thing at Whistler. Hugs and Kisses to the beautiful Birthday girl!
    Conor, Seamus and Annie

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