Sunday, September 13th was a special day. Gigi turned six. Her first present was displayed in her room: an art easel with tons of great supplies. For breakfast, we went to a great local organic type breakfast spot called Mrs. Shannen’s for breakfast. We rode our bikes there which in of itself is such a luxury. After breakfast we went to the local mall where there’s a nice grocery store in the basement. After finding all the necessities for Gigi’s afternoon barbeque we headed home without the groceries–they get delivered! Oh, and at the mall Gigi got my despised-I-said-I-would-never-get-them-for-my-kids present: Crocs. They truly are so ugly. Gigi was allowed to get the daintier version–in flourescent pink of course!
Once we got home, we opened a few more presents–like a kite from Vincent and a pair of roller blades for both of them. (Each sibling usually gets one present on the other’s birthday–it seems only a little bit fair. Or rather easier for the folks. We spoil our kids too much!) The rest of the afternoon consisted of preparing for Gigi’s barbeque. The weather was gorgeous, the food yummy, and the company so excited to be sharing in this special day for our dear Gigi.
Enjoy the pictures.

Miss you guys