Gigi is 11

Gigi11.4You’ve probably noticed from my Instagram feed and several posts here on Kremb de la Kremb (like this one) that Kevin and I have got ourselves a skater girl. Yes, Gigi rocks on the board! She’s a dare devil, she’s dedicated, and she WANTS it. Her current goal right now is an ollie–and she’s so close! To get there, it has been evident that she needed a new board. Her old trick board was toast–makes sense too as it’s over a year old. For her birthday, she was pretty clear: she wanted a helmut (smart of her!) and a new trick skateboard. Now, there’s no way that Kevin or I would know what to pick out, so we left that up to her. For Gigi’s birthday, she got a coupon book filled with money toward new gear plus other goodies like 11 free dress days or 11 Nutella days. (If she was allowed to exist off of only Nutella, she would! Thank you very much Giovanni Bello–although it was only a matter of time.) Her birthday was a little tough going at first as she had to shop for the perfect board, but in the end, she was one happy girl!





ReverenceI love the reverence she seems to have in this photo. It’s as if the board is a cuddly stuffed animal or something!



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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!