Getting Educated


This blog post is late. I let what I wrote last night sit for 24 hours, and now I have deleted it all. I’m so glad I did because it was irrelevant, so now I will be brief. My lack of creativity aside, the world is in a complete state of turmoil. Yes, I realize this isn’t the first time in the world’s history, but in many corners, it all feels poignant. From what is happening in Minneapolis to right out my front door in Hong Kong, my current actions are to educate myself as best I can. This year, 2020, is a real doozy. Starting with a brutal pandemic and now gearing into protests across the world, I am having a hard time writing. I won’t all of a sudden become political, but I will strive to become more educated. For now, the most important action I can make from Hong Kong is supporting this: a George Floyd petition.




Let’s hope for a better week on the first of June!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!