Gazpacho: Basically a Veggie Smoothie

Yes, Labor Day has passed and hence marked the end of summer, yet the heat may still remain (luckily) for a few more blissful moments. Anything cool will help this heat–including a nice cold soup! There are tons of different versions of gazpacho. I’d venture to say they’re all very similar in taste and procedure. The other day, Gigi and I wanted to make some gazpacho; we looked at several different versions and then just went for it. It was basically similar to making a smoothie–just with vegetables instead!


  • Basically, you choose all your veggies, chop them up, throw about 3/4 into the blender, and press.
  • Then add the juice–in this case, tomatoes! We added some fresh cherry tomatoes, a can of oven roasted tomatoes, and a jar of tomato juice. Again blend.
  • The quarter of veggies you left aside then get thrown in to add little bite sizes. If you want chunkier gazpacho, you’d only blend half the veggies; likewise if you want smooth gazpacho you’d blend it all.
  • You can decide the kick by determining how many chili peppers to add plus the amount of shallots, onions, or garlic. Finally, salt and pepper to your liking.

Chill the gazpacho, freeze it for later, and enjoy a very healthy veggie smoothie!

(We kept our version more healthy by omitting any bread. For alternative types of gazpacho–red or green, check out all of these different options.)


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Kremb de la Kremb

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