Formula Dressing: Pair Bold with Cozy

Go Bold with Cozy 2
I’m all about formula dressing. When I dress with a formula it’s usually a pairing of two (sometimes more) elements of style. One formula that works for me is to pair something bold with something cozy. I’m totally aware that my bold might not be everyone’s bold–here I embrace a feather skirt and know it is definitely on the bold side of dressing. This fabulous skirt paired with over the knee boots makes it even more bold. Whatever the bold piece is doesn’t really matter. It could be anything that is out of the oridinary for you–a statement necklace, a bright lip or shoe, a texture that’s different or even a color that’t out of your normal roundup of colors. They key to attempting anything bold in my opinion is to pair it with something cozy. Kind of like how the blankie helps the night time fears, something cozy will calm down anything bold. If anything the cozy calms down the individual’s anxiety of wearing something bold. Does that make sense? When we are taking risks, it only makes sense to grab on to something that makes us feel more assured.

Pair Bold with Cozy Feather Skirt with Fisherman Sweater
For me, in my bold feather skirt with over the knee boots I knew this outfit was headed toward utter over-the-top-dome. Therefore, I grabbed for my cozy, understated, nobby fisherman sweater. The color is neutral, the texture is cozy, and the look is simple. All these three elements help to calm down any apprehension I might have with wearing bold down below.

Go Bold with Cozy 1
This smile says comfort, and comfort speaks to confidence–at least for me. Also notice how I didn’t bother with anything else bold: no bright lip and no need for accessories. I’m letting the skirt and boots do the talkin’ and the sweater do the calmin’.

What bold looks would you like to try but are afraid to? Let me know in the comments or you could email me, tweet, message me in Facebook, or give me a call. I wanna help you with formula dressing!

*This post has been linked up to What I Wore, Oh, Hey Girl!, Style Me Wednesday, WIWW,
Brilliant Blog Posts, Confident Twosday, Turning Heads, Mix It Monday, Mingle Monday, Monday Mingle, Style Sessions, Visible Monday, Garay Treasures, #iwillwearwhatilike twice, Style Saturday, #Passion4Fashion, Fab Favorites, #FashionFriday, Friday’s Fashion, and Thursday Throw Back.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

23 thoughts on “Formula Dressing: Pair Bold with Cozy

  1. Ann, I had left a comment earlier but it does not seem to be here :o(…perhaps I went on a bit too long.
    Anyway, from what I remember….I was basically saying how great this looks.
    Those OTK boots and (slightly) OTT feather trim is skillfully brought back from the party into real life with your jumper and effortless hair. So fresh, cheeky and lots of fun! It that not the most important thing about fashion?
    I was saying that I had worn a cable jumper recently (I actually have it on again today) but your ensemble has well and truly kick my look’s bum!
    Just beautiful.

    1. Arrghh Samantha! I HATE it when that happens! It’s got to be so infuriating. Do you wanna know what I do a lot of the time these days. Right before I push comment on a blog, I’ll command A, command C so that I have it in case it doesn’t go through. I’m sorry the first message didn’t come through. And I really appreciate you commenting again. I rely on your readership. I look forward to it. It means a lot to me Samantha, so thank you!

      Big *virtual* hug coming at you. By the way, I’ll be emailing soon, but I’m trying to come up with some way of collaborating with you….I’ll write you off the blog.

      Have a great week!

      Love, Ann

    1. Shelbee! This just about makes my day! No, more like month!! Maybe even year! Or at least it just gives me the motivation to just keep on going.

      I’m so proud of you for getting your blog started. I will go check it out now. When you’re feeling like a lull is approaching, just shout out. It will happen. And then, something great like receiving a comment that you’ve helped someone else will arrive, and you’ll wanna keep on going!

      Welcome to the club Shelbee. And I’m just so happy I was able to help!

      Love, Ann

    1. What a great analogy Patti. Which makes me ask, have you joined the coloring craze? It’s so fun to color and coloring books are just so fantastic these days! Anyway, I like to color outside the lines with my style–for sure!! And here’s to cozy sweaters as we head into colder temps! Love, Ann

    1. Oh AWESOME Laura! I’m so glad. I love this skirt, but it definitely feels outrageous, so the cozy sweater serves as a bit of a security blanket. I’m glad I’ve inspired you! Love, Ann

  2. One of my favorite outfits of yours!! I love the mix of something dress (the skirt) with something unexpected (the cozy sweater)

    Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you Thursday.


    1. Oh gosh! Thank you Alice. Yes, I think I did something right with this one. A lot of people have commented that they like it. I’ll have to somehow try to emulate this formula!! I might double up linking it to Throw Back Thursday. Hope that would be ok.

      Thanks again! Love, Ann

  3. I LOVE this look! Perfect proportions and the skirt looks so fun to wear! Great job with the sweater I love the cream with the black and the boots are hot!!

    I am going to try a more edgy rocker look with leather pants…sometime!

    Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday!

    jess xx

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