First Style Story Link Up

Style Story Link Up

I love a good Style Story. I seem to have a story behind pretty much everything I wear each and every day. And, I also have really appreciated how other bloggers offer link ups–a place where bloggers can share a link and then connect with other bloggers. What’s a Style Story without connection? Kind of nothing. If my clothing and choices in what I wear have a story, it’s most likely I want that story to be shared. Therefore in an attempt to connect with others and their Style Stories, I’m starting my own link up. Share a post or a picture from Instagram or even a comment from your Style Stories. That’s the sort of connection I’m after. You in?

Style Story Link Up

October Capsule Wardrobe

Maybe you’ve tried out my October Capsule Wardrobe. With this pdf availabe to you if you join my email list (don’t worry, no pesky emails coming from me), I’m trying to offer simple, stylish solutions to getting dressed each morning. I think getting dressed should be fun! I’ve created a capsule wardrobe of 16 pieces that are pretty basic and very, very mixable. I myself, usually one of so many options, am trying to dress within this 16 piece collection. I’ll post how I mixed all 16 pieces each Sunday to hopefully offer as inspriation. We’ll see if I can make it happen. Can you?

Here are some pieces to shop if you are lacking some basics from my October Capsule Wardrobe:

Under $50

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Under $100

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*So far, I have linked this post to Friday Fashion, Classy Monday, Monday Mingle.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

20 thoughts on “First Style Story Link Up

  1. Stylish, effortless, totally wearable, modern, casual, chic, stylish, feminine…..Who else could wear guttties with such style? I love your red lip….I really must try more colour on my face but it makes me a little nervous (note to self: be inspired and be braver).
    Thank you fro hosting your first link up and good luck with it!

    1. Thank you Samantha! Look at all those awesome words you used!! And I must admit, I am learning so many new words knowing you–gutties! I know they mean tennies which are also new to you. Are you cracking up yet?! Cuz I am!!

      Now, you of all people, I can’t believe you aren’t a lippy girl. You make such bold sartorial statements so it’s shocking that wearing a little lippy makes you nervous. Can I send you some suggestions. I do love lipstick! And I just know with your eyes, well they’re gonna pop with a bold lip!

      Thank you for linking up Samantha. I kind of knew I could count on you!!

      Big HUG! Annie

    1. Thank you for linking up Patti! Trying to take cues from you and Catherine:D I went with Sundays as I hadn’t seen one on this day yet. And of course I love stories so a Style Story just makes sense! Love, Ann

    1. Thank you Brooke and Erica! You are right–can go wrong with a striped boat neck any which way. One of my favorite staples!

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I hope you come again!


  2. Anne this is so fabulous that you’ve started a link up! Your wardrobe here is so classic – but everyone could learn a thing or two about how to wear classic pieces in a funky way from you (hello, black joggers and self confidence tee)!!

    Best of luck for your new link up, thanks for hosting!!

    Catherine x

    1. Thank you so much Catherine. As per usual, just kind of trying to follow your lead. I have such high regard for you, so if I can try to be an eensy weensy bit like you, I’m on my way! ;D

      Love, Annie

  3. Oh yay! Thank you so much Rachel!! I’m trying to take cues from the likes of you and Catherine! I’m going to try to host this link up each Sunday. After beginning my own compilation (in a spreadsheet) inspired by yours, I found that Sundays didn’t have much of anything. I hope I can make this sustainable; I so appreciate the community building aspect of it. Now I must go link up to your Passion4Friday–adorable dress shirt, jacket plus very exciting news. I also have your vlog ready to watch. Thanks for all your style inspiration Rachel.

    Love, Ann

    1. Thank you so Jacqueline! Rani is a cutie. I just let her photo bomb. Hahah. I’m trying some new things with both the link up and capsule wardrobe. Thank you for noticing. Why not right!? And as for leopard–it’s totally my neutral! ;P Love, Ann

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