First Day of School, 2015

First Day of School 4
This year the first day of school pics are coming from Gigi and me, and that’s ok. Vincent is now 13, and I can appreciate that he wants to make his own digital presence. Luckily I still have one more poser (The apple doesn’t fall far, huh?!) in the family, and believe me, I’m going to milk it for as long as I can!

First Day of School 1
Gigi started 6th grade this year! She is now in the Middle School at HKIS–with both her brother and dad. We are all now on the same campus which is really neat too. Gigi was quite nervous for the first day, but she’s settling in just fine. Middle school means my kids are growing up–and fast! She’ll be turning 12 this September. She’s still cuddly with me, and we get along really well. I try to use humor with her as much as I can as my mom did. It’s best when we can laugh at ourselves. I feel super lucky with my daughter and plan to nurture our relationship in the most positive way I can as she continues to develop into a young woman. Rebelling against one’s parents is a natural thing–but I can try to circumvent it, right!?

First Day of School 2
I posted a co-ord outfit on Monday; this is the second co-ord I was talking about. While the other one has a bit of a cropped top, the top on this co-ord is nice and boxy. I loved wearing this outfit for the first day of school. I felt very chic all day long–which is a great way to start a successful school year.

First Day of School 3
Ahhh, my Gigi! I do love her so!!

Some Outfit Details:

Lipstick–Topshop Oh La La
Co-ord–Nordstrom Rack
Navy Pumps–9 2 5 So Soft thrifted from Value Village
Handbag–vintage Coach with a little DIY (post coming soon!)

For co-ord options for you, visit my Co-Ord Shop.

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

4 thoughts on “First Day of School, 2015

  1. Ahhh if only my Eve were starting middle school all over again. I’d be elated 🙂 enjoy these moments, my friend, they fly far too quickly xoxo

  2. What a clever thing… using humor. It is so good. When I had my fights with my stepdaughter, humor was the only way to avoid escalating a situation (we are fine now and get along really well. At last.).
    It was quite a surprise seeing you in such a ladylike manner. I got to know you in shorts, jeans and jumpsuits. So this is new to me.
    I think it is a splendid suit. I would wear it with pleasure.

    1. Thank you Greetje! Yes, now that I’m back to work, I will try to step it up every now and then. I will admit though: it’s all dependendt upon my mood in the morning. ;P A x

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