We finally had it! Our first day of school! It was delayed by a day: everyone was waiting in anticipation. Would it curve toward us or not? When I woke up at 5:30 on August 14, with a Typhoon 8 signal hoisted, I knew we’d at least get to sleep in. Then at 10:00 am the signal was still up so we were safe for the day! In the Krembs’ camp, Gigi and I were joyous for an extra day of summer! Vincent was bummed. He really wanted to get 6th grade in the middle school started. And Kevin was happy to catch his breath. On this extra day, we were able to take a family walk, bake, watch some TV, make burritos for dinner. I was finally able to give myself a mani and pedi–something I’d been trying to do for DAYS! Around the world there are different types of snow days, and as long as everyone is safe, I think these days are little gifts of time for us to enjoy!
Evil eye necklace (similar) / Swarovski earrings / Schiap Lips ]

This dress felt like the perfect dress to wear on a delayed start to school. The pattern looks like a typhoon itself: swirls of blue and black and white on an airy chiffon. I had hoped to wear my white sandals, but you never know if it will rain, so I stuck with the white booties similar to here. Also, just in case, I carried a blazer with me. Layers are off, then on right now with the remaining winds and spurts of rain. School has definitely started now. Luckily we’re all well-rested and off to a great start!
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