Feeling Flirty

A couple of weekends ago, Kevin and I were able to go out, like on a date. Usually we manage to go out and about on the Hong Kong town pretty frequently, yet, because of the ongoing protests occurring throughout the city, the frequency of date night has lessened considerably.

I was so excited that we were able to make it happen. I was feeling flirty, so I decided to dress as such. This ensemble is what I came up with–many poofs in my sleeves and skirt, some yeehaw added with my mini cowboy boots, and lots of dots in my shirt and pearl earrings. Looking back on this outfit, I actually don’t even know if it works… but guess what? That doesn’t even matter!

Feeling flirty is an attitude, and it is not constrained by an age. Feeling flirty is achieved differently for every single woman, but what’s important is we take the effort to find what makes us spark. While for me my flirtatious ways may come out through what I wear, however for another woman it might be from strenuous exercise or deep meaningful conversations. I knew one couple who had a meditation room–that always led to feeling flirty!

Granted, I was so tired on this date, my flirtatious vibes didn’t last all that long, but feeling good about oneself is so very important. What is it that makes you feel confident enough to flirt? I dare you to ask this question of yourself, so you can present your best self to your partner.

Take that extra long bath, walk, or baking spurt. Whatever that item is that gives you self care, I dare you to take it. The aftermath may just be that you feel good enough to be flirty. And that’s such a good feeling no matter what it looks like!

When was the last time you felt flirty? What caused it? How did you celebrate it?

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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!