Fashion Fixation: Leather Track Pants

Screen Shot 2013-10-28 at 6.02.45 PMWhen I saw this post by Christine Cameron of My Style Pill, I knew I would need to have a pair of (faux) leather track pants this season. They’re just so rocker cool while also (probably) being super comfortable. I wanted the same exact ones seen here: Christine Cameron, My Style Pillthe Piper Faux Leather Track Pant found at Nordstrom. I was all excited and ready to hit purchase–they were even on sale for $38 dollars, but then, when I clicked to continue, they were out of stock. This unavailability was all I need to trigger the hung! It started with an online chat with Nordstrom that failed. I didn’t stop there. I decided to call my local–ok not local but if I did live in Washington State it would be local–branch in downtown Seattle. I got connected with Taylor, a Service Experience Specialist at Nordstrom’s Pine’s branch. Well, Taylor and I have become buds through both Skype and email. Unfortunately since the pants have now been transferred to Nordstrom’s Rack, Taylor, as hard as he tried, was not able to retrieve them. I had to start looking all over again; I found a pretty decent looking new and similarily pair on ebay, but we’ll see…. I’ve sent them to my mom (who arrives on November 15!!!), so she’ll be bringing my current fixation over. Thanks Mom! In the meantime Taylor, I know you haven’t given up, and you know I haven’t given up, so the moment you find the Piper Faux Leather Track Pant, pull the trigger. I want ’em! Then I could say, “Fashion Fixation: Leather Track Pants FIXED!”


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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!