Fashion Bloggin’ on Kremb de la Kremb

So, I’ve been thinking for many months now where I should attempt fashion blogging. I’ve been posting outfits to my Tumblr,, but I end up frustrated by the lack of followers, and I can’t figure out how to enable comments. I’ve been trying to come up with a new blog name where I could post my outfits of the day, but then I’d be writing 3 blogs: this one, plus another one. Then, from some inspiration from, I realized the family blog could include some of my fashionable aspirations. Why not? Right?!

So, if you read Kremb de la Kremb, be forewarned that my #outfitofthday may be appearing here more often than not. I’ll try to also step it up a notch with what’s going on for us over here in Hong Kong. Admittedly, we are finally feeling settled in. Thank goodness! This place is amazing, and I am so excited to be living here!

Here’s the first style pic: it’s from my first assignment at The London College of Style. (Yes, I am in school again, but this time to become a stylist. Why not? Right?!) The assignment–due back last spring–was super fun. I had to create six looks as portrayed in the fashion collage.


Clockwise from top left: Classic, Fashionista, Bohemian Luxe, Urban Chic, Rocker, and Red Carpet


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Published by

Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!

2 thoughts on “Fashion Bloggin’ on Kremb de la Kremb

  1. Oh wow I can’t believe you are studying to be a stylist! I’m a photography had started working on my fashion portfolio back in the UK . I’m relaunching in march here in HK it would be great to meet up and see if you dancing working on some shoots!

    1. @Anna Oh! This would be sooooo cool! We must get together! Are you here over the holidays?

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