Farmer Girl in Mon Kok

When Vincent saw what I was wearing on the day we went to investigate bearded dragons, he said I looked like a “farmer girl.” Well yeehah! I decided to live it up in the middle of Mon Kok’s streets!
(I’m actually not that tall, but don’t I look like I’m towering over these two little ladies!)

[Farmer Girl: Plaid shirt from the boys’ department at Target (I was trying to emulate the one Julie took.) / Cut-off Levi’s made with the Goddaughter with Style (Farfetched has some good ones.) / Red cowboy booties from the girls’ department at Zara (similar pair by Frye here) / Balenciaga knock-off from ages ago (story below)]

For me, my jewellery always has a story! The first turquoise strand was purchased during my year living on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation way back when. We visited the Hopi Tribe during on of their a pow wows, and this was what I picked up. The turquoise beaded necklace history may be found here. The turquoise pendant was from an amazing student of mine back in Bombay: Aliya Modi. I just did a Google search on her and tons of images came up! I must let her know every time I where the pendant I think of her! And the “K” I bought during this trip to Temple Street. We each had exactly $50 HK (about $6.50 US) to spend. It was a bit of a competition to see who could do the best; of course I think I did! And the silver strands holding the “K” were giving to me by my lovely mother-in-law, Jane. It’s hard for me to wear jewellery and not have it mean something; there’s a story behind everything!
Ahh this little blue bag….it has a history! So, I can’t remember what summer it was, but Julie and I were at Target, and she found this little bag. Of course I copied her and headed to the checkout. Once I got home, I was like, meh, I don’t need this. So I took it back–even thought it was only like $14.99. I don’t know why I took it back because it was really cute, but I did. Then, I hunkered into our 13 hour flight back to school for the start of the year. I opened up my Lucky magazine and started browsing. What do you know! Right there in the middle of the “Must Have for Fall” article was the little blue bag I had taken back! I grew panicky. I was anxious with dread. Why did I just keep the silly purse! Well, we were flying through Seoul with a night layover there. We checked into the airport hotel, and I noticed the business center on our floor. I said, “Kevin you go ahead. I’ll be right there.” Ahh, I hopped online and with in 5 minutes I ordered and shipped my little blue bag. What relief! I didn’t actually get to physically have the bag until the next summer. (We were living in India at time, and if I wanted to ever see it, it would be better to wait and retrieve it in person rather than send it.) I think this might have been my very first online purchase! Needless to say, I was able to sleep that night. Ha!

Have you ever done something this silly? Tell me about it.

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!