Family Dinner: Raclette

RacletteWhen we were living in Venezuela back in 2000-2004, we were introduced to raclette. Mariana Morrill (she’s also a jewellery designer, so you may often see her referred to when I wear her baubles) and her husband Mark were our next door neighbors, and they had us over for raclette. Since that dinner over ten years ago, we have been making raclette at least once a year–usually at the cabin. It’s the best meal ever for cleaning out your fridge plus having interactive fun at the dinner table. Basically, you cook on a grill up top and melt food combos including cheese underneath the broiler. All these concoctions will then be put atop a baked potato. With Rusty and Ted on their last night out at the cabin, we celebrated with this all time favourite!

VeggiesFirst, grab any leftover veggies and cheeses from the fridge. It doesn’t matter what you’ve got or how much. Just chop and shred it all up and put the fixings in small little bowls. We get all the guests to help chop, chop, chop away!


ChickenThen, take some chicken and dice it into bite sized pieces. Sprinkle it with some Good Seasons Italian Zest Dressing Salad Mix. We also cut up a zucchini and marinate it with some garlic and olive oil.

At the table, you create different flavors in the castors. While the chicken and zucchini are grilling up above, different combos are melting below.

PotatoesMeanwhile, take a potato for each individual and cover it with butter. We basically massage the butter in like lotion–better yet, sunscreen. Place the potatoes straight on the over rack and bake them for an hour at around 375-400. Of course, we use Idaho potatoes out at Spirit Lake!

RustyTake your potato and divide it up–the more times you divide, the more combos you get to eat. Here Rusty’s showing off his very last potato quarter. I’d say he liked it!!

Another fun interactive family dinner we have with guests is pizza on the grill!

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Kremb de la Kremb

You Deserve the Best of the Best When It Comes to Style!